Friday 14 January 2011

Number 23 opening sequence + analysis

Analysis of Number 23 Opening Sequence

The opening sequence to this film uses a sparse color palette; sepia tones, black and red.
The sepia tones connote the film to be eery and dark. The red graphical blood splats which occur throughout,imply that the film will contain horrific incidents and a possible serial killer. The opening sequence focuses mainly on the number 23. The titles are surrounded by the number 23. Historical facts are also included within the sequence which are relevant to the number 23; 'The Mayans believed the end of the world would occur on December 23rd of the year 2012' for example. And '2012' would also be relevant to the number 23. (20+1+2). I feel that the simplistic color palette coupled with facts to do with the Number 23 are effective and work nicely, not giving too much away from the story but giving enough to establish a genre and tone.

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